Dermacharge Vet Powder 100gm
Rs. 185.00
AIMIL Animal Health
Dermacharge Vet Powder: A Potent Phyto Mineral and Broad- spectrum Herbal Drug combination for Skin and Coat conditions
Dermacharge Vet Powder is a potent phtytomineral broad-spectrum Herbal drug combination for skin & coat conditions.
Helps to check Ticks, Fleas, and Lice and helps them keep them away.
Dermacharge Vet Powder has bactericidal and fungicidal properties and helps heal & repair damaged skin.
Exclusive Benefits :
- Checks Ticks, Fleas & Lice and keeps them away.
- Anti-inflammatory and prevents dermatitis.
- Shows excellent anti-microbial effects as bactericidal and fungicidal action.
- Suppress Dermatophytic action.
- Being Multi-ingredients prevents the chances of microbial resistance
Indications :
- Ecto-parasitic infestations like ticks, fleas, lice & mites
- Fungal infections
- Itching (Prutitis )
- Dermatitis
- Skin irritations & inflammation
- Poor Skin conditions/disorders
- Topical bacterial infections
Directions for Usage :
- Sufficient quantity to be dusted over the affected area in animal and gently rub on the skin twice or thrice a day.