Neeri Pet Tablets
Rs. 154.00
Neeri Pet Tablets: A Comprehensive Natural Therapeutic Solution for UTI & URINARY Problems.
- Soothes Urinary Tract & Maintains Urinary pH
- Gentle Diuretic
- Flushes out toxins
- Helps prevent the recurrence in UTI
- Urinary Antiseptic
- Relieves signs & symptoms of Urinary Tract
- Sugar-free formula
Exclusive Benefits :
- Normalizes urinary PH.
- Exerts as urinary antiseptic.
- Act as gental diuretic.
- Provides pronounced
- Immunomodulatory action
Indications :
- Urinary deposits/stones
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Recurrent calculi
- Recurrent UTI
- Dysuria
- Supportive therapy in kidney dysfunction
Ingredients :
- Plash & Manjistha: Act as anti-microbial fight UTIs
- Yavakshar Shwet Parpati: Soothe urinary tract, normalize urinary pH.
- Gokshru Punernave: Exert diuretic action, increase the flow of urine
- Nagarmotha, Apamarg: Relieve burning & painful urinary
- Varuna, Punernava: Exert antioxidant nephroprotective activity
Quantity: 30 tablets
Dosage :
- Kittens: 1 tablet twice a day
- Cats: 2 tablets twice a day
- Puppies & small Breeds: 1 or 2 tablets twice a day
- Dogs & Large Breeds: 2 or 3 tablets twice a day